
Calakmul (the adjacent hills) is a protected nature reserve with 7231 km 2 where it is forbidden to hunt, build, deforest, etc., it is the habitat of an important wildlife such as jaguars, pumas, tapirs, reptiles, insects, birds, mammals, bats, white-tailed deer, wild turkeys, monkeys and more.

60 km on a narrow road, with restricted speed (30 km / hr) from the highway that connects the cities of Escárcega and Chetumal is this majestic Mayan city.

A small museum welcomes you where there are representations of prehistoric animals, local fauna and some artifacts found on the site during the excavations of the archaeologists. The architecture of Calakmul is special, it is monumental, which was a message to visitors during its splendor, and regardless of the erosion of time and nature, it continues to show the power it had. Eternal enemy of Tical, against whom they had many fights.

Many stelae (stones carved with the representation of the upper class people), three plazas, a beautiful platform with three buildings on top, which are aligned with the solstices and equinoxes, measuring the solar year to allow the rulers to know when to start the processes of plantations, when to harvest, when will be the rainy season and the drought, ball games, palaces, pyramids, sacbes (Mayan roads) and great information from your guide are waiting for you.

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